Cincinnati–N Kentucky Int'l. Arpt. (CVG)
3057 Terminal Dr
Hebron, KY 41048
Florence Burlington Pike
7484 Burlington Pike
Florence, KY 41042
Florence Merchants St.
5977 Merchants St
Florence, KY 41042
3288 Madison Pike
Covington, KY 41017
1746 Monmouth St
Newport, KY 41071
8107 Alexandria Pike
Alexandria, KY 41001
The cost of a rental car depends on many factors and can vary greatly. These factors include:
For the most accurate pricing, start a reservation.
To rent a car from Enterprise Rent-A-Car in the United States and Canada, you will need the following:
Some locations may require additional information, including but not limited to:
As a customer, you have a choice as to how you would like to pay for fuel.
Fuel Policy at Non-Airport locations:
Fuel Policy at Airport Car Rental Locations:
Note: Prepaid fuel is only sold in full tanks at the discounted price per gallon and is not refundable. Local fuel rates will vary by the area you are renting a vehicle.